Have you ever plead guilty or 'no contest' to or been convicted of, violating any law with the exception of minor traffic violations? If yes, please list your criminal convictions.
I certify that the answers given by me in the foregoing questions and statements are true and correct without consequential omissions. I understand and agree that any misrepresentation in my application will be sufficient cause for cancellation of the application and/or separation from the organization.
I understand that this is an application for volunteer services and not a contract to provide those services.
I will hold absolutely confidential all information which I may obtain directly or indirectly concerning patients, doctors or personnel. I will not seek confidential information in regard to a patient.
I give Charleston Area Medical Center, Inc. permission to make a thorough investigation that may include the following: past employment, past volunteer experiences, education, and criminal history. I authorize and release from liability or responsibility all persons, companies, schools and municipalities supplying any information regarding me whether or not it is a matter of record.
If selected as a volunteer, I understand that my services will be donated to CAMC Health System, Inc. without contemplation of compensation or future employment and given with humanitarian or charitable reasons.
I authorize CAMC Health System, Inc. to use and disclose information such as my name and photographs for the purposes of marketing, media and education.
As part of the volunteer onboarding process, I will be required to visit Employee Health for a health review and review of vaccinations. I understand I will be required to receive a flu shot annually. If you do not agree to these please do not submit this application.