Photo of Pamela McCauley

The Everyday Excellence Heart and Soul award recognizes those who model professionalism, are constantly reliable and consistently provide high quality results and service to customers.

Pamela McCauley exemplifies CAMC’s mission and values everyday as the lead for provider support.

Despite never knowing what issue a customer on the other end of an interaction may present with, she provides a calming and pragmatic approach to the concern. She listens with genuine caring intent and is
masterful at working through the associated emotions when a customer is having issues.

“Her kind demeanor, sharp analytical skills and determination to resolve concerns are consistent and much appreciated,” wrote the person who nominated her. “She instills confidence in our entire team by listening
respectfully and generating confidence and trust that issues are being heard and will be addressed.”

“Not only does she provide outstanding one-on-one customer service, but she additionally leads and models this behavior with the provider support team. It is reassuring to know that every day McCauley is leading our provider support efforts.”

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