Congratulations to Kristina Marlow, emergency department, for being recognized as the first quarter 2023 Teays Valley Hospital Employee of Excellence.

According to her nomination, “Kristina exemplifies CAMC’s core values. She comes into work each day with a smile on her face and willing to do whatever she needs to do to make sure the patients get the care they need. She made me feel welcome from my first day I transferred to the ER and has welcomed so many others since then. She is willing to jump in and help any way she can. I have personally seen her helping clean patients, comfort sick patients and reorient confused patients. In the ER she is known as one of CAMC’s sweetest HUCs. She continually anticipates patient and staff needs. She is proactive when it comes to her work duties, but more than that, she is proactive when it comes to every aspect of life.”

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